Wawa Add-on Samples!

The container here is the sidebar! (comes with responsive menu bar-works differently on desktop and mobile)

Welcome to my sample site! In this page, you'll be able to see various add-ons I provide in action!

Decorative assets

Here are some of the decorative assets I drew! They're mostly used for menu buttons and some other decorations. You don't need more than Carrd pro lite plan for this

FAQ Accordion

You can change the styling of this FAQ accordion, including colors, fonts, and toggle icon. I set a saturn icon to be the click-to-expand button!

Of course! I can change it to fit your aesthetic more!

The sidebar takes the most effort out of all add-ons, since it also comes with responsive menu bar. A sidebar allows us to have content on 2 sides of the page while one side is fixed in place (and acts as the menu bar).

Custom Font Upload

We can use fonts that Carrd doesn't provide using embed. For this feature, you'll need at least Carrd pro standard planWe can have more than 1 font, but the most I recommend is 2: one for headings and one for content.You'll have to be the one providing me the font file. Please make sure that it's usable in terms of usage rights. I won't hold any responsibility if you misuse the font.

This is an example of font upload. This font doesn't exist in Carrd font library.

Back to Top Button

On the bottom right, you'll see the back to top button. The colors can be customized and the position can be changed if needed to.

Responsive Menu Bar

Check this site on mobile to see that the menu bar has appeared up top, and is fixed in place.This is the base price only. Additional fee may apply based on complexity.

Side Menu Bar

The box on the left is the side menu bar! It typically include image, text, buttons to other pages, and social links.

Not to be confused with the design below. This one doesn't need side bar add-on.

Website: KatDragonz

Can't find what you're looking for?

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me for discussions!